Sylvia Antionette Garrett Agency
About : Ofc. Hrs: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Friday, 8:30 - 4:00 pm; Evenings & Weekends, by appt.Call us 24 hour/7 days a week: 1-877-262-0247.
Description : The Sylvia Garrett Agency staff consists of the perfect blend of experience, education and genuine concern for others. We care about our customers and work hard for them every day. We make insurance easy... while ensuring comfort and security.
One Nationwide Plaza PL 3-01-01, Columbus, OH 43215-2226
Phone: (614) 249-2141
Fax: (614) 249-4321
Distance: 40.0 Miles
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Got 30 seconds for a safety tip? Watch this video on how to prevent TV tip-overs #anchorit #makesafehappen.
For Friday the 13th, Nationwide Pet has gathered the most popular horror movie inspired pet names. See which made the top 13: http:\/\/\/1UQqhOT.
Test and replace your smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries, and make sure your kids know what to do when they hear the sounds. http:\/\/\/1N7QCzW #makesafehappen #poisonprevention.