About : If you or someone you know would be interested in an insurance quote in Ohio, please click on the info tab and visit one of my websites.
Description : As a Personal Financial Representative in Columbus, I know many local families. My knowledge and understanding of the people in this community help me provide customers with an outstanding level of service. I look forward to helping families like yours protect the things that are important - your family, home, car and more.
6477 N Hamilton Rd, Westerville, OH 43081
Phone: (614) 299-7000
Fax: (614) 299-9938
Distance: 18.3 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
As the holidays are approaching, please do not post your travel plans on Facebook. You may think that your friends are the only ones that can see your information, (how many of your facebook "friends" do you really know) and in many cases it may be a friend of a friend and you just gave them all the information they need.
Be careful in parking lots this time of year. Tensions sometimes run high and no need to get in an accident because of a parking spot.
Think about lowering your comprehensive deductible in the winter. It does not cost that much and if you window gets a crack in it, you can get a new one for a much lower price. Also with the amount of deer running around, this coverage will help if you have an unfortunate encounter with one of these or other animals.